Awarding Bodies
Expectations are changing rapidly
There has been a huge increase in online courses and now courses can be accessed from anywhere in the world…
Certificate printing needs to support this change by enabling awarding bodies, greater flexibility, better control and security. We built Ecertsecure with this in mind, providing online certificate creation, remote printing and secure validation facilities from anywhere in the world
Universities & Exam Boards
Students are on a journey – travel with them
Qualifications are highly valued by employers and enable young people to progress to the next stage of their lives. As the world becomes increasingly globalised, it’s important that your certificates are able to meet the demands of graduates on the move.
Professional Development
Protect the integrity of hard-earned qualifications
Training and qualifications for professional development continues to grow. Continuous professional development has become an important ongoing career requirement. We understand that professional qualifications serve a vital role for business and society.
Therefore it is important that qualifications and training certificates can be validated quickly and easily to ensure authenticity. This is not only important for employer/employee relationships, but it is important for the awarder of the qualification as it ensures that credibility and confidence in the award is not undermined.